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Urban Acupuncture Applied to a Research Lab and Studio: ArtSciVillage an exemplar of Smart Village Acupuncture

Roger F. Malina

The UTDallas ArtSciLab is a university research lab and studio. We seek to apply trans-disciplinary, trans-cultural and trans-generational methodologies on problems that are desirable to solve.

Tomas Londono, and subsequently Tommy Ayala, initiated the application of Smart Village methods to our research lab. The hope is that we will uncover new ways of doing, discovering, and applying to societal contexts outside the ArtSciLab.

On of the ideas that Tomas Londono initiated was a quick application of the Methods of Urban Acupuncture. We propose to convert this to Smart Acupuncture, in a Smart Village Research Lab.

The simple version of the idea is that we tend to over think and over-analyze and plan. Sometimes a quick jab can create desirable change and ideas, drawing on the ideas of Maturana and Varela: auto-poetic smart acupuncture. Pin prick both the social system and the technologies used, separately to together.

About the Author:

Roger F. Malina is a space scientist and astronomer, with a specialty in extreme and ultraviolet astronomy, space instrumentation and optics. He served as director of the Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence and was NASA Principal Investigator for the Extreme Ultraviolet Satellite project at the University of California, Berkeley.

He is also a publisher and editor in the new emerging research fields that connect the sciences and engineering to the arts, design and humanities. Since 1982, he has served as Executive Editor of the Leonardo Publications at MIT Press. He founded, and serves on the board of two nonprofits, ISAST in San Francisco and OLATS in Paris, which advocate and document the work of artists involved in contemporary science and technology.

He is currently a Distinguished Professor of Art and Technology and Professor of Physics, at the University of Texas at Dallas and Directeur de Recherche for the CNRS in France. He serves as the Associate Director of ATEC, and founded the ArtSciLab in the ATEC program fall 2013.