Ongoing Projects

Deep Sensing

Your Thought Experiments of the In-Between Spaces in Outer Space

Deep Sensing is a an OBSERVATORY OF CRITICAL ZONES. In January 2024, Richardson Texas, you will be able to sense deep space: Sciart exchange

You will be accessing the latest data from big telescopes in orbit and on earth to sense the universe we are embedded in.

At the simple level, the team is converting NASA data into sensory experiences involving sight, sound, touch and walking around. No human has ever been to the places you will be “visiting’. What you will experience are ‘fabrications’ made a team of artists, scientists, administrators and…

By that it doesn’t mean that they are ‘false’ but that they are “made up’ so we can make sense of these places. In some cases they may be false “hallucinations’, but we can only find that out by collecting different kinds of data.

The place you will be visiting has been named by some humans as “the pandora cluster’ a collection of galaxies orbiting each other.

You can read more about it in this blog post.