
How Music Effects Patients with Alzheimers/Dementia

Know more about how Music Therapy helps patients of Alzheimers/Dementia in faster recovery.

Alzheimers disease is a developing disease during middle or old age that demolishes memory and important mental functions due to the decline of the brain. Alzheimers disease, also known as Dementia, is one of the most common diseases in people over the age of sixty five. It can be caused by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors which can effect the brain over time. The main symptoms of Alzheimers are confusion and memory loss. Many people experience a combination of symptoms that are cognitive, behavioral, mood related, and psychological. Treatment for this disease can involve cognitive-enhancing medication. However, this can only temporarily improve the symptoms. Although, there is no cure for people that have Alzheimers, music has been shown to be a very powerful tool for minimizing symptoms and recalling memories for these patients.

Music therapy has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of helping patients with Alzheimers disease. It is one of the types of active aging programs which are offered to elderly people. Pharmacological treatment for symptoms of this disease requires very high doses of medication. These drugs actually worsen motor function causing a decline in cognitive function. A natural treatment for Alzheimers/Dementia includes music therapy. Music therapy uses music to improve communication, learning, mobility, and other mental and physical functions.

Devi Kasturi graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in May of 2022 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a minor in Vocal Music. She has been passionate about music her entire life and can testify that music has made a major difference in her life. Devi has won several awards for singing both state and district wide. She likes to spend her time volunteering at nursing homes and with hospice patients. Devi thinks music is a calling and a gift that will benefit all of mankind. Science and music are a powerful combination and she hopes to continue her research in this field. Her future plans include starting pharmacy school and she will continue to practice music as a way of life.