Past Projects


Integrating Domestic, Physical, and Virtual Spaces through Design

The ArtSci Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas is conducting web based research: Integrating Domestic, Physical, and Virtual Spaces through Design (DPV.SI). This study examines the interaction between domestic architecture, technology, and human behavior.

How can we intentionally redesign physical spaces and online spaces to more seamlessly interact? These intentional design decisions redesign human culture and behaviors. This re-evaluation tackles design theory in relation to an increasingly digital world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected human lives and behaviors and presents an interesting case study of the relationship between domestic spaces and technology. Government-issued shelter-in-place orders, self-quarantine, self-isolation, and social-distancing measures force individuals and institutions to move social and professional interactions online while remaining at home for extended periods.

As so much time is spent at home, domestic architectural design elements increasingly affect daily routines and social interactions, at home and online. The method of this study is to survey a variety of subjects from different backgrounds. Analyzing their daily experiences and knowledge can provide insight into better design.

Data gathered from how architectural and design decisions influence human behaviors can reveal methods to more effectively design future physical and virtual spaces. The results of this study can additionally be applied to technological design to better facilitate communication, especially video/audio. Links to a Podcast and Questionnaire coming soon.