Cosmological Emergence
This level of emergence includes the origin of matter, the elements, energy and physical information, and such topics as dynamical systems.
Geophysical Emergence
This level considers the emergence of inorganic and organic chemical compounds, the geological history of Earth and other planets, and mechanisms such as catalysis, climate, and
geological evolution.
Biological Emergence
This level embraces the origin of life, biological evolution and ecologies, and such topics as
speciation, reproduction, health, physical aging, sex, various forms of selection, and the origin of nervous systems and brains.
Psychospiritual Emergence
This level includes the worlds of psychology, art, religion, poetry and philosophy, and includes
topics such as the emergence of language, the meaning of meaning, the nature of knowledge,
education, ethics, and aesthetics.
Multilevel emergence and general principles
Much emergence happens on several levels at once, such as the emergence of the city, which embraces emergent systems on levels 3, 4, and 5. What are the fundamental properties of emergence, such as thresholds, feedback, and freedom, and how can we improve our understanding of the nature of time, and prepare for further emergence?
Socioeconmic Emergence
This level deals with the emergent properties of societies of humans and other social animals, and includes topics such as game theory, trade, money, governmental and legal systems, and
technological invention.