Chi-Peng (Charlie) Tsui

Student Collaborator

Master of Arts – Digital Arts
The University of Texas at Dallas

My name is Chi-Peng Tsui (Charlie). Currently, I am studying User Experience(UX/UI) Design and Research. My undergraduate major is Mass Communication. I have had some experiences in Marketing, Public Relations, Films, and Journalisms when I was an undergraduate student.

Now I am majoring in Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communications at the University of Texas at Dallas. The department is focusing on interdisciplinary fields. Such as Arts and Technology Studies and Culture Studies.

I am also a breakdancer and have been dancing for ten years, which is one of the fields that I am digging into at school for research as well, some related field such as music, pop-culture, sub-culture, media, community, performing arts, movements capture, etc. Being a dancer is also being an artist and designer. We stress originalities through our moves and trying to make something fresh and new expressions to people. We are practitioners. I can apply my professional experiences of dance to connect with other creative professional fields.

Like user experience, AR/VR, product design, storytelling, and research developments.