

Emergent Surrealities: The Post-pandemic Collision of the Law and the Arts

The article “Emergent Surrealities: The Post-pandemic Collision of the Law and the Arts” by John McClellan Marshall and Roger F. Malina is being published in Mensa shortly:   This is a  chat GPT human corrected summary: of the article accepted for publication.  The article “Emergent Surrealities: The Post-pandemic Collision of the Law and the Arts”…

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Fred the Heretic Collaborative Review of “Disrupt Science” Book by Mihai Nadin, Springer Books 2023 and Call for Collaborators 

The report argued that scientific progress was necessary to a nation’s health, security, and prosperity. This is sometimes summarized as “Since science helped win the war, lets fund it to win the peace”. It led to massive funding of science and technology. 

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A Brief History of Emergence: With Frederick Turner, Robert Stern, and Roger F. Malina

In this podcast: Why is emergence important in complex systems? How is emergence important for physics, for geophysics and for the arts? What is an emergent university? How is emergent research conducted? Discussion of the ⁠Fermi Paradox⁠, the ⁠Drake Equation⁠, time, evolution, and being.

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