CDASH : Curriculum Development in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities
Leonardo Executive Editor Roger Malina and UT Dallas faculty member
Kathryn Evans are inventorying examples of courses and curricula that
are in the art-science–humanities field such as courses on art and
biology, music and mathematics, art and chemistry, dance and
environmental sciences, etc.
The current CDASH inventory is available at
http://www.utdallas.edu/atec/cdash/ includes over 130 courses.
Individuals who have taught an art-science-humanities course at the
university or secondary-school level, in formal or informal settings,
are invited to contact Kathryn Evans, with details of their
curriculum, at kcevans@utdallas.edu. Please send the URL (if
available), title and number of the course(s), a short description,
the level offered (graduate or undergraduate) and the department(s) in
which the course(s) was offered. We are also interested in the
“history” of your course – when it was offered, if you had any issues
with approval, and how you developed the course, lessons learned. Full
syllabi may be sent to Paul Thomas at p.thomas@unsw.edu.au to be
included in a cloud wiki at http://artsci.unsw.wikispaces.net/.
We are interested in the broad range of all forms of the performing
arts (including music, dance, theatre and film) and the visual arts
(both traditional and new media); and connecting to all the sciences.
We are looking for submissions of in-person class room, on-line and
hybrid blended courses. We also include technology related courses
that are art-science focused.
The CDASH site also lists programs and centers that are devoted to
Art- Science-Humanities research and curriculum.
This project is overseen by a working group consisting of: Kathryn
Evans, UT Dallas, Roger F Malina, UT Dallas, Paul Thomas, University
of New South Wales, Meredith Tromble, San Francisco Art Institute and
the Leonardo LEAF Chair David Familian, University of California,
This project is co sponsored by Leonardo Education and Art Forum
(LEAF): http://www.leonardo.info/isast/LEAF.html; The ArtSciLab,
University of Texas at Dallas (UTD): https://artscilab.atec.io/
and the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales (UNSW)
We also bring your attention to the call for MA and PhD Thesis
abstracts in Art, Science and Technology:
The Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS) is a comprehensive database of
Ph.D., Masters and MFA thesis abstracts on the intersection of art,
science and technology. Individuals receiving advanced degrees in
disciplines that investigate philosophical, historical or critical
applications of science or technology to the arts are invited to
submit abstracts of their theses for consideration. Selected abstracts
are published in Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Authors of most highly
ranked abstracts are invited to submit an article for publication in
Leonardo. The aim of the LABS database is to give visibility to
interdisciplinary work. Annual submission deadline: 30 June. For more
information, contact Sheila Pinkel at <spinkel@earthlink.net>.
Category: Archive
This is the main category for Archive files storage.
UTDallas Crowdfund Workshop
The event will be located in the Faculty & Staff Dining Room SU – UTD Campus
Campus Map
The Crowdfund Workshop is presented by CrowdFormation.org, the National Crowd Funding Association and the UTDallas Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Topics Discussed:
-Overview of CrowdFunding
-Practical Crowdfunding
-Featuring a panel that will discuss their experiences with crowdfunding
-Overview of Equity Crowdfunding
-Overview of Academic Crowdfunding
Speakers for the event include:
Dr.Bruce Gnade-
-UTDallas: Vice President for Research
Dr.Roger Malina
-UTDallas: Arts and Technology
David Marlett
-Executive Director, National Crowdfunding Association
Dan Bochsler
-UTDallas: Naveen Jindal School of Management
Madison Pedigo
-UTDallas: Naveen Jindal School of Management
Jed Moody
-Haynes & Boone, Attorneys at Law
Jeremy Forsberg
-University of Texas at Arlington: Assistant VP of Research
For More information, check out the detailed itinerary
The ArtSciLab would like to welcome two new additions to the team, Stephanie Brisendine and Stephen Witt. Stephanie is an EMAC Major and Stephen is an ATEC Major , both are Seniors at UT Dallas.
They will be working on our various exciting projects including the up and coming podcast, Creative Disturbance, as well as our heavily anticipated E-book releases. Be on the lookout for our projects as we begin rolling them out in the future.
ArtSciLab researchers Roger Malina and Andrew Blanton will be presenting their work at the inaugural LASER in Austin Texas on March 4.
The LASER series is being organised by JD Talasek, the Cultural Director of the US National Academy of Science. Malina and Blanton will present in particular the ArtSciLab work in collaboration with Professor Gagan Wig of UT Dallas ( http://bbs.utdallas.edu/people/detail.php5?i=1131 )
His research program uses a combination of structural and functional imaging tools (including fMRI, DTI, and TMS) to understand the organization of large-scale human brain networks and how these networks change over the adult-lifespan. The Art Sci Lab is working with him to develop innovative ways of representing the data, in particular using data sonication techniques.
The resulting work is intended to develop scientifically useful research tools but also create compelling art work.
Further details on the ArtSciLab can be found at : https://artscilab.atec.io/
Join us for
The Inaugural ATX LASER: March 4th , 2014 at 7 p.m.
Space is limited so RSVP today by emailing atxlaser@umlaufsculpture.org
The UMLAUF proudly announces the inauguration of ATX LASER (Austin, Texas – Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous), a salon series culminating at the intersection of art and science. In today’s environment of new technologies and scientific advancements, cultivation of creativity among all areas of human endeavor is paramount to knowledge production and fully understanding the impact of our changing world on the development of our identity within it. Over the next year, this salon will explore such diverse topics as: the impact and creative application of technology; the intersection of anatomy, art and genetics; arts role in environmental education and activism; visualizing and understanding Big Data; building community and communication between disciplines; and much more.
Akin to successful art-science programs in London, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC David, UC Santa Cruz, and New York City, ATX LASER provides an opportune environment for progressive thought leaders to come together to form community and explore the intersections of disciplinary thinking. ATX LASER welcomes innovators of all types: artists, scientists, curators, scholars, engineers, designers, and educators, to participate. Throughout his life’s work, Charles Umlauf explored the relationship of art and science through both process and symbolism. Emphasizing the importance of sharing ideas and knowledge as a platform of its mission, the UMLAUF offers the ideal creative crucible for seemingly unrelated disciplines to reconvene.
Each ATX LASER session will feature multimedia presentations and three to four speakers, each given the opportunity to address a compelling aspect of their research. Following the presentations, an open discussion will commence where participation is welcomed and encouraged from all attendees. All ATX LASERs are free and open to the public. Please join us at ATX LASER’s launch: Tuesday, March 4th, 2014.
The UMLAUF is proud to be partnering with Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST), a non-profit organization that serves the global network of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, researchers, and thinkers through programs focused on interdisciplinary work, creative output, and innovation.
ATX LASER was conceived by J.D. Talasek, Scholar-in-Residence, UMLAUF. Talasek is Director of Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. and the founder of that city’s DASER program. His co-organizers for ATX LASER are Katie Robinson Edwards, PhD., UMLAUF Curator, and Diane Sikes, UMLAUF Director of Programs. ATX LASER is made possible through the generous support of J.D. Talasek and the UMLAUF.
At ATX LASER, art and science will unite in the serene environment of Lawrence Speck’s architectural gem amidst the UMLAUF gardens. The UMLAUF was founded in 1991 with the mission of exhibiting the work of Charles Umlauf (1911-1994) and other contemporary sculptors in a natural setting and providing educational experiences that encourage the understanding and appreciation of sculpture. An inventive problem solver, in his lifetime Umlauf engaged with the fields of anatomy, architecture, engineering, and geology. ATX LASER pays homage to Umlauf’s creative vision and will include future sessions relating directly to the sculptor’s vast oeuvre.
The Inaugural ATX LASER: March 4th , 2014 at 7 p.m.
Space is limited so RSVP today by emailing atxlaser@umlaufsculpture.org
o Katie Robinson Edwards , UMLAUF Curator
– TOPIC: A brief introduction on behalf of the UMLAUF
o J.D. Talasek , Moderator.
– TOPIC: “Shaping Community around Creativity and Innovation”
o Roger Malina , Arts and Technology Distinguished Chair, University of Texas at Dallas Roger. Malina is a physicist, astronomer, Executive Editor of Leonardo Publications at MIT Press, Professor of Physics and Associate Director of the Arts and Technology Program at UT Dallas.
– TOPIC: The ArtSciLab at UT Dallas opened in the fall of 2013 with the objective of enabling in depth collaboration between artists and scientists. Our first projects involve manipulating data from astronomy, brain sciences and geo-sciences
o Andrew Blanton , a composer and media artist. Blanton is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas at Dallas and is a Research Fellow in the ATEC ArtSciLab.
– TOPIC: interactive installation called MODULATOR, will be co-presenting with Roger Malina
o Francesca Samsel, Visual Artist. Austin-based artist Francesca Samsel uses scientific visualization and high-resolution displays to create digital murals inspired by scientific research.
– Topic: Art-Sci-Vis: Stirring the Mix, Creating Multiple Outcomes
o Kathy Ellins, Program Manager at the Institute for Geophysics in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Trained as a geochemist,
– Topic: Geoscience Through the Lens of Art: Examples From The American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting
May 20 , 2014
July 15, 2014
September 16, 2014
November 18, 2014
For more information visit http://umlaufsculpture.org/
Or email JD Talasek at jtalasek@nas.edu
RSVP at atxlaser@umlaufsculpture.org
The ATEC Leonardo Initiatives in Experimental Publishing and Knowledge Curation at UT Dallas is pleased to announce the publication of a new ebook in the Leonardo ebook series at MIT Press:
Water Is in the Air: Physics, Politics, and Poetics of Water in the Arts
Editor Annick Bureaud. Executive Editor: Roger Malina: E-book Managing Editor: Cathryn Ploehn
Leonardo/ISAST (2014-02-10T05:00:00+00:00). Water Is in the Air (Kindle Location 16). MIT Press. Kindle Edition.
ISBN: 9780262757010 : http://tinyurl.com/Leonardo-Water
This ebook documents the work of innovative artists, from all over the world, working at the cutting edge of science and engineering, create work that addresses critical issues of water in culture and society. With newly commisioned articles and drawing on thirty years of work documented in the Leonardo journal at MIT Press, the authors explore art and climate change and pollution, artificially seeded clouds, water fountains, the physics and poetics of waves, using all types of media (videos, performances, installations, sound art).
Published in collaboration with the STUDIOLAB consortium, a Europe-wide initiative that merges the studio with the research lab. Funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (http://studiolabproject.eu/partner/leonardoolats).
Preface by Roger Malina
Introduction to Water Is in the Air by Annick Bureaud
Phenomenology and Artistic Praxis: An Application to Marine Ecological Communication Jane Quon
“Lagoon Project”: San Francisco Exploratorium Laurie Lundquist
The Durance: Interlaced Waters: Art-Science Collaborations and Audiovisual Research
On The Modification Of Man-Made Clouds: The Factory Cloud HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen)
Paparuda Monsieur Moo
Sonification and Sound Projects Marbh Chrios Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström
Pulse of an Ocean: Sonification of Ocean Buoy Data Bob L. Sturm
Rainwire: Environmental Sonification of Rainfall Dave Burraston
Sculptures and Installations My “Mobile Hydromural” Gyula Kosice
An Application of the Water Bell Liquid Flow Phenomenon in Visual Art Philip Bornarth and Franklyn K. Schwaneflugel
Sculptural Constructions Involving Water Dynamics Pearl Hirshfield
Memory Vapor Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch
Anti-Entropic Role of Art Ana Rewakowicz
Fountains Color-Music Fountains and Installations of the Erebuni Group Abram Alexandrovich Abramyan
Wave Rings Nodoka Ui
The Futura Deluxe Bubble Steven Raspa
Fragments of a Flow: A Thread of Water in the Video Work of Irit Batsry Irit Batsry
Walking Clouds And Augmented Reverie Nathalie Delprat
Here Is Where You Heard the Ocean: An Interactive Sound Installation Laura L. Clemons
Alma da Água: A Space Awareness Initiative Dinis Ribeiro and Richard Clar
Liquid Light: Working with Water Liliane Lijn
Music, Colors and Movements of Water Jacques Mandelbrojt and Lucie Prod’homme
From “Life-Water” to “Death-Water” or on the Foundations of African Artistic Creation from Yesterday to Tomorrow Iba Ndiaye Diadji
The Symbolic Function of Water in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cultural Approach Camille Talkeu Tounouga Nommo—The Spirit of Water—in the Dogon World Jacky Bouju
Waterfields: Conceptual Water Drawings Robert C. Morgan On the Artistic Use of Fluid Flow Patterns Made Visible A. S. Douthat, H. M. Nagib, and A. A. Fejer
Around the Cusp: Singularity and the Breaking of Waves Javiera Tejerina-Risso and Patrice Le Gal
Science and Art of Sculpturing Fluids Jean-Marc Chomaz
Looking beneath the Surface: The Radial Spread of Ink in Water Pery Burge Process and Natural Phenomena as Conceptual Points of Departure in Extended-Format Sculpture Eve Laramée
A podcast is in production with MIT Press.
A contribution to the United Nations
International Decade for Action ‘Water for Life’ 2005-2015
The ArtSciLab is Hiring!
Student Position in the ArtSciLab led by Prof Roger Malina
Title: Intern in the Leonardo Initiative on Experimental Publishing
Supervisor: Prof Roger Malina ( http://www.utdallas.edu/atec/malina/ )
Day to Day Supervision : Andrew Blanton
Advice: Prof Cassini Nazir
The student will work on a number of projects including:
– Assist in technical assembly for two Leonardo e-books to be published by MIT Press in 2014-
– Developing an innovative web site and social media presence for the ArtSciLab
– Developing the Creative Disturbance Podcast Radio Station
– Editorial and technical work on three web site companions Art and Atoms (http://artandatoms.com/ ) and Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (http://ahcncompanion.info/) and Art and Synthetic Biology ( http://synthbioart.texashats.org/ )
– Support on ARTSCILAB projects such as the ArtSciLab Crowdfunding Club
This position was previously held by EMAC Students AJ Klein, Max Mechanic and Cathryn Ploehn
Technical Skills required:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP – enough knowledge to manage and tinker with websites built with WordPress
Photoshop, Illustrator – good working knowlege
Editorial Coordination, Previous web development experience desired
Experience with Content Management Systems preferred
Hours: flexible , up to 19 1/2 hours a week.
Contact : Charlotte Mason : cam107220@utdallas.edu
The International Symposium on the Electronic Arts will be hosted by Zayed University and Other Locations in Dubai and the UAE in November 2014.
ISEA is one of the world’s most important international academic arts/technology event for the interdisciplinary discussion and showcase of creative productions applying new technologies in art, interactive, electronic and digital media. It’s an event that annually brings together artists, academics, scientists, and new media practitioners.
The symposium consists of three aspects of peer reviewed conference, internationally juried exhibitions, and various in-conjunction and other partner events–from video screenings to performances.
UT Dallas Professor Roger F Malina will be serving on the International Program Committee.

Provide a cooperative environment to inform and promote collaborative efforts of students and faculty to better crowdfund their projects and research.
Providing a collaborative environment for students and faculty to work together in support of their crowdfunding efforts. For example, students with development and engineering ideas can meet with finance and marketing students, as well as video production students, for information sharing regarding crowdfunding techniques and in some instances to cooperatively crowdfund their own projects/research.
Student Coordinator
David Marlett, Research Fellow, ATEC ArtSciLab
J.D., CPA, Exec. Dir., National Crowdfunding Association
david.marlett@utdallas.edu, 214-208-2148
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Roger Malina, rxm116130@utdallas.edu
Weekly @ ArtSciLab in ATEC 3.209, Date/Time TBD
Participants All interested UTD students, faculty and staff. To register interest in being involved or to learn more, email David Marlett or visit us online at crowdformation.org