New Website for Curriculum Development in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities
We are excited to announce the launch of CDASH 2.0! Project leads Kathryn Evans, Roger Malina, and Eun Ah Lee are pleased to announce the re-launch of our 2012 project studying Curriculum Development in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities at…
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Lab Alumna Wins Big Idea Competition
ArtSciLab alumna and Arts and Technology PhD student Veena Somareddy is this year’s UTD Big Idea Competition winner. Veena is Neuro Rehab VR co-founder and software engineer at Fort Worth’s Neurological Recovery Center. (more…) “Lab Alumna Wins Big Idea Competition”
Masters Thesis – ArtSide Presented at a2ru Conference
by Kuo-Wei Lee, Shruthy Sreepathy Students and faculty from the UT Dallas ArtSciLab presented their project, ArtSide, at the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) conference at Northeastern University in November. (more…) “Masters Thesis – ArtSide Presented at a2ru Conference”
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SEAD Exemplars: Defying Classification
When Roger Malina invited me to join the SEAD (Science-Engineering-Art-Design) Exemplars project back in August, I thought that the biggest challenge would be finding the elusive exemplars.
Usability Engineering: Improving ARTECA Experience
Every day, I get to think about how to improve the ARTECA interface for our users. One of the primary ways our team collects feedback from our users is through usability tests, which are run by a fellow UX designer.
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Watch: ARTECA Presented at Digital Frontiers Conference
Students and faculty from the ArtSciLab gave a number of talks in the fall 2016 semester, making appearances at symposiums and conferences to discuss the launch and future directions of ARTECA.
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Moving Shadows: the Voice of Biolumnescent Bacteria
Our team is working on a project called “Micro Lux Chants” which aims to sonify the life of bioluminescent bacteria.
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